The love for our earth is for us a serious committment. Coffee beans from organic farms delivering the same values we believe in, from the working codes to the environmental respect of each harvesting process. And we invest in energy savings and more.

Passion for high end ingredients, care for each blend mixing process, attention to the packaging and preservation of our coffee aromas, up to the preparation of all our Italian food traditional recipes.
Investment in the adoption of hand-crafted working methods, attention to the strich adherence of our recipes to the old Italian traditions, the real secret of our chain coffee and food value proposition.

Care for interior design every detail along with the presentation of our products, able to enhance the message of anthentic origin in all our recipes.
The good morning espresso, the traditional cappuccino of the Italian breakfast, the italian style of our stores…a touch of authentic Italian lifestyle, in a joyful environment where to meet friends, work or spend your leisure time..

The technical training of our personnel is the secret of the excellence of our il Caffè della Terra products. At our internal Coffee Academy the chain master Baristas and Chefs introduce you to all our tasteful and natural menu.